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2nd Grade

2nd Grade students at GES will learn the Virginia Standards of Learning for 2nd Grade which can be found at the following link.  

2nd Grade Supply List

2nd Grade Teachers:

Melissa Blankenship

Jennifer Bodine

Jen Osburn

This information will help you understand how second graders develop and give you tips on how to help your child in reading and writing. Remember that children develop at their own pace, and that not every child displays all of these traits.


Second graders are capable of taking on more responsibility, and we encourage you to set high expectations for your child in that area. Keeping up with school-related items and homework should become a personal responsibiltiy of your child. 

Reading and Writing:
  • Some children are just learning to read; others can read books by themselves.
  • Encourage independent reading at home and make time to read with your child as well. The more your child reads, the more words he or she will recognize and the more his or her comprehension will increase.
  • Some children are just learning to write; others can write short stories by themselves.
  • Don't be too concerned about misspelled words. Your child is still learning to spell words the right way, but do give your child the correct spellings for words if your child asks.  Ask your child questions if you don't understand what is written.
Reading interests: 
  • They are interested in books with puns, jokes, and riddles.
  • They like to read nature stories, stories about real children, and stories with happy endings.
Concept of Time:
  • They can focus their attention for longer periods of time.
  • They have an increased understanding of time and can sometimes plan ahead.
Interest in words:
  • They enjoy learning and using new words.
  • They ask lots of questions and enjoy using new words.

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