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1st Grade

1st Grade students at GES will learn the Virginia Standards of Learning for 1st Grade, which can be found at the following link.

First Grade Supply List

First Grade topics of study for the week will be in your child's green daily folder.  Please check and initial

that you have completed the homework activities with your child.

First Grade Teachers:

Kelly Stewart

Kelly Henderson

Karen Sampson


Please send a snack!

Please provide your child with a healthy snack everyday (no candy, chocolate, or sweets).  We have snack time so that children can concentrate on their work until lunch time.


Library Books

We have Library every six days. Please refer to the Encore schedule your child brought home the first day of school.  If you need another copy, please contact your child's teacher.   Please make sure your child brings his or her library book on the correct day.  If your child would like to check out a book during the week, remind him or her to ask the teacher in the morning to go to the library. 


Ice Cream

Please make sure you send separate ice cream and lunch money, and exact change would help.


Tennis Shoes

Tennis shoes must be worn (or brought) everyday.  On days that students do not have gym, they have recess time with their classroom teacher, and they need tennis shoes to safely play on equipment.



Letter Grades are not used in 1st grade.  Instead, the following marks are used to inform you of your child's progress.

S            MEETING EXPECTATIONS  100-80%
P            DEVELOPING/ PROGRESS MADE  79-60%

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